A/B Testing & (CRO) Conversion Rate Optimization Services Based in Vermont
Regardless of how much traffic you’re driving to your website, if you’re not A/B Testing than you’re likely missing out on potential customers. In A/B Testing or Split Testing, we serve one version of your website to a test group and another version of your site to a control group then compare how the two perform and using data analysis and with statistical significance can arrive at winning versions of your site.
For example, we might find that just by changing the text on your ‘Add to Cart’ button from ‘Add to Cart’ to ‘Buy Now’ that we can improve your site’s conversion rate and grow online sales by 25%. In that case, not only would this help to improve your sales but it also helps reduce the amount you’ll need to spend in advertising to yield equal results by improving the rate at which you can convert ad clicks into customers.
Using my consulting services you’ll receive:
- Website Analytics & Performance Review
- Suggestion & Development of Test Hypotheses
- Full Setup & Implementation of Tests
- Test Results Summary & Review
- Assistance With Implementation of Resulting Change
For a free consultation, email mitch@berrimanwebmarketing.com, call
802-764-3121, or complete our consultation request form!